The Gynectrol manufacturer allows you to order your Gynectrol directly from Australia. There is an Australian phone number provided, or you may purchase Crazy Bulk Gynectrol via the secure online shopping cart so that it is delivered directly to your door. The company uses discreet and plain packaging so that you do not have to worry about anyone being aware of what you have ordered. Although it is nothing to be ashamed of, it is understandable that many men are still embarrassed to have people aware of their condition.
It is possible to contact the Crazybulk customer service staff of the Gynectrol Australia team as well, either before you purchase Gynectrol in order to enquire about any concerns or questions you may have, or after your purchase if you simply wish to consult with the company about your use of the product.
Additionally, the Gynectrol Australian website makes available quite an extensive FAQ section that lists a number of the most commonly asked questions, as well as some detailed responses. These are well worth reading through if you are still sitting on the fence about purchasing this natural treatment for the condition commonly known as “man boobs”.
The FAQ section of the Crazy Bulk Gynectrol Australia website covers some points that may not be immediately obvious prior to your purchase. It explains that Gynectrol is a proprietary supplement that contains all natural ingredients, and that is has been formulated specifically to reduce the fatty tissues in the mammary glands of males. These tissues are the ones that have grown too numerous and too large and have resulted in the medical condition called Gynecomastia. The use of anabolic steroids (such as dianabol, trenbolone, deca durabolin and anadrol) and having high body fat increases the risk of gynecomastia too.
The frequently asked questions page of the Australia website also notes down who should take precautions and speak to their doctor before they consider taking Gynectrol. To summarize, these are the people and groups of people who should seek medical advice before taking any gynecomastia reduction pills or any other over the counter health products:
- People who are currently taking any prescription medications for any health issue at all.
- People who suffer from a liver or thyroid condition of any type.
- People who have irritable bowel syndrome or any related condition.
- Additionally, the company notes that Gynectrol should not be taken at the same time as taking acetaminophen or St John’s Wart.
Furthermore, you won’t have any trouble with customs getting Gynectrol in Australia. The vast majority of people will find it perfectly safe to use Gynectrol, as its ingredients are all natural. If in doubt, simply speak to your doctor.
So what are the ingredients in Gynectrol? The website lists them clearly so that you can be aware of exactly what you are putting into your body.
The ingredients in Gynectrol are as follows:
- Chromium (as Picolinate)
- Proprietary Gynectrol blend
- Guggulsterones (plant resin)
- Theobromine Cacao (fruit)
- Green tea extract (leaf)
- Caffeine
- Sclareolides (seed)
Men are then relieved to read that you do not have to take Gynectrol pills for life. Once you are happy with the appearance of your breasts after using Gynectrol for a certain period of time (usually for several months), then the company recommends that you may stop taking the product as they have not had any reports of men losing any of the results they have achieved after halting Gynectrol. However they do note that many users of Gynectrol continue on with it at a much lower dosage – as little as one capsule per day – in order to maintain their results.
On the concern of whether both breasts will reduce in size at the same rate, the company says that most users will find that there is uniformity in the reduction of breasts, with both sides being relatively equal to react. There are some situations however when this may not be the case, in particular where one breast naturally had more fatty tissue than the other. The result here is that the larger breast will actually reduce in size faster, but that after some time the reduction will take on a more even rate.
One of the biggest benefits of course when it comes to taking a product like Gynectrol for enlarged male breasts is that there is no scarring left behind as is the case when a man undergoes gynecomastia surgery. This surgery is also generally very expensive, and can result in some months of discomfort and lifestyle alterations in order to ensure that the surgery is a success.
It is little wonder then that more and more men are looking for a non-invasive method of reducing their abnormally large breasts, at a fraction of the cost and without the side effects and stress of surgery. Gynectrol provides that opportunity and thankfully, many men are seeing positive results.